I sunk down into the velvety warm water, feeling little explosions of cold snap away in my skin, like trying to wake up a foot that has fallen asleep. It was both immediately painful and also delicious. I dunked my slimy cold hair under the water and swirled it about until it surrounded my face on either side, an auburn mist that veiled me from the harsh bathroom light. Already outside, I could hear him pulling his enormous truck down the driveway to my submerged vehicle. It shamed me to think of him out in the biting cold rain while I was langoring in this lovely warm haven of a bathtub. Grabbing a tube of shampoo from the side of the bathtub, I noticed that it had a nice woodsy clean smell. I lathered my hair, already beginning to feel human and also sleepy. I realized that the shampoo was a part of Daddy�s woodsy spicy smell that always seemed to surround him. Every minute I was near him seemed to reveal pieces of the puzzle and made me feel closer to him. When I had finished bathing and felt all warm and tingly, I hopped out of the tub and retrieved my shaving cream and razor from the shower, where I had left it two days before. Already, I was growing stubble�. Everywhere. I sat on the side of the tub and lathered up my legs, shaving them quickly, then spread my legs wide and squirted an egg-sized dollop of shaving cream onto my palm. Far too much, I realized. I lathered it up as much as I could and then stood, turning for a towel to wipe off the razor. Catching sight of myself in the mirror, I couldn�t help but laugh. It looked as though I had gone rabid down below, with all of the white foam. Or perhaps as though I was wearing a cotton fluff bikini bottom.

I shaved with car over my delicate skin, deciding that this simply wasn�t going to be doable in the future. I made a mental note to myself to phone the spa and look into waxing. Certainly it was a bit of pain, but supposedly it would be less irritating in the long run. Already, my sex was feeling rubbed raw, although, I thought with a smirk, it might just have been beard rash from Daddy�s five o�clock shadow.

I rinsed and inspected. Not bad. I was definitely getting a bit more skill at shaving down there, with the many angles and curves. Who knew that you needed talent for such a thing? I then wrapped myself in one of the gigantic black towels and set about combing the snarls out of my curls. Baths were horrible for snarls. I heard the front door close and then heard his strong footsteps tromp through the house.

�Babygirl?� He called softly. I stopped preening and walked immediately out of the bathroom to find him dripping wet from head to toe, his dark hair soaked.

�Hi Daddy.� I said, looking at him with wide eyes, automatically reverting into that role he had created for me, that of a willing little submissive girl.

�All warm now?� He said hoarsely, big drops of rain falling off strands of his hair. He ran his hands, red from cold, through his hair and looked at me, all pink, warm and fresh smelling.

�Yes Daddy. All warm.� I said, unbuttoning his soaked flannel shirt that clung to his muscles like a clammy second skin.

�Mmmm� taking care of me, princess?� He murmured, raising his hand to tuck a wet strand of my hair behind my ear.

�Well, Daddy, you take such wonderful care of me, isn�t it fitting that I should repay the favor?� I glanced up at him and gave him a flirty look. He softly chuckled and unbuttoned the shirt sleeves, allowing me to finish the rest. I then unbuttoned his sodden jeans and unzipped, allowing them to fall, chuckling at the boxer shorts below.

�What�s so funny� He studied my face, eyebrow raised in speculation.

�Nothing. Boxers. I just wouldn�t have thought, but then it makes perfect sense.�

He pointed to the bed. �I�m going to jump in the shower quickly. I want you naked and in my bed when I return.� Then he turned and strode bare-chested into the bathroom and closed the door, leaving me in a mostly dark bedroom. After a bit of searching, I discovered that what looked to be a short antique cabinet housed his dirty laundry, so I discarded my towel there. Then I practically skipped over to the bed, snuggling deep under the grey down comforter on what I had come to think of as �my side of the bed�, sinking my still damp tresses into the fluffy down pillow that smelled of all that was male. I heard the water turn off and he exited what had been possibly the fastest shower imaginable. He crossed the bathroom wiping himself with a towel and then stood in front of the mirror for just a minute. I held my breath. I didn�t know if he knew that I was watching him or that I could even see him as he combed his hair and then strangely enough began to later his face with shaving foam. I then watched him meticulously swipe his razor over his face and then rinsing the blade under the running water. My heart was beating fast already as though I were witnessing something I shouldn�t. I closed my eyes so when he entered the room, he would see that I hadn�t been watching him, but then I peeked through one eye. His naked body was fascinating to me. While he had gotten to study mine in detail during my �naked punishment�, it seemed as though whenever he was naked around me, I had other things on my mind.

His chest was spattered with a light covering of dark hair, nothing extensive, but certainly not smooth. My fingers gripped the mattress while I thought about running my hands over his chest, twining my fingers between those curls. His upper torso was solid and strong, not the rippled veiny muscles sculpted in a fitness club, but rather honest strength, hard and connected with the earth. His biceps showed just a hint of the power that they held, but I had already experienced his unexpected strength from the times that he had picked me up and carried me as though I weighed no more than a child.

I allowed myself to follow his solid frame downward, to where he had a towel wrapped loosely around his hips. No love handles there, but no ostentatious washboard abs either. Just firm with a little ebbing trail of hair pointing downward. The towel was mostly open to his hip and he had a nice indent on his upper leg, probably from hauling wood. Immediately, I pictured him in full hunter mode, stalking wildlife through rugged territory, running with a full pack and heavy equipment.

I closed my eyes and sighed. Sometimes I felt like the luckiest girl in the world, but also the most confused. My gut instinct told me things that my brain didn�t want to hear. My mind did not appreciate the way that he wanted to dominate me, the way he wanted to control things, the way he told me that I was his property. But at the same time, I knew that he had treated me better than any other man had ever treated me, that he seemed to know and understand what I wanted before I even had the words form within my head. In truth, it made me giddy to be around him. I adored him. There was no other way to describe it. I completely adored him.

I heard him snap the cover back on the shaving cream and put his razor in the drawer. He lifted the towel to his face and for a second I saw the silhouette of his incredible cock in its natural unaroused state. It still took my breath away. Then he turned walked out of view. I closed my eyes, in preparation of his arrival in bed. When I heard him walk into the room, I opened my eyes and smiled, but my smile froze when I saw that he was again wearing a pair of flannel pajama bottoms. He lifted his side of the covers and slid into the bed next to me.

�Come here, babygirl.� He growled.

Immediately I scooted closer to him. He lifted his arm for me to rest my head against his chest, so I curled up close to him like a kitten seeking warmth and attention. His hand immediately drew me even tighter against his body and my leg curled up around his thigh as I luxuriated in this closeness. He kissed the top of my head and sighed.

�Did you call your old boyfriend?� He asked softly, his voice measured and without emotion.

�Yes Daddy.�


�He took me to the symphony.�

�So soon�� he said in a tone that was neither questioning nor accusatory, but it made me feel immediately defensive.

�He had tickets and he asked, so I accepted.�

�Just the symphony?� He prompted softly.

�No, we went to dinner too.�

�Did you enjoy it?�

The corners of my lips tightened. So I wasn�t the only one who was curious about my competition.

�The symphony was very lovely. I really enjoy classical music, but we missed most of it, and we went to��

�Missed most of it?� His voice rose almost imperceptibly.

�He was late to pick me up.�

�Hmmm. So he kept you waiting for him.�

�Yes Daddy.� I almost pouted. Without him ever saying a word, I knew that Daddy found lateness inexcusable.

�Go on.�

�We went to dinner at a trendy restaurant and then we went home.�

�Such a small date.�

�Were you expecting that I would sleep with him?�

�You had permission to sleep with him if you wanted to, princess. I thought that I had made that clear.�

I was uncomfortable with where this was going.

�Did you WANT me to sleep with him?� My voice rose as I grew irritated with this line of questions.

�Did I say that, Lauren?� His tone struck back at my insolence, warning me to proceed at my own risk.

�No� Daddy.�

�To clarify, babygirl,� he said, his voice taking once more that same resonant soft tone. �I want you to be certain. I want you to know without a doubt in your heart that this is what you want. I don�t want just a play toy, although I do have to admit that you make quite an exquisite little toy and I do very much like to play with you. If I wanted just a slut to fuck and use, I could have that with anyone. I want the whole package. You�ve proven to me that you are just exactly what I am looking for� a woman who can be everything at once� a savvy professional woman, an intelligent and humorous companion who has an opinion of her own and doesn�t just take on the mindset of the moment, a fiery woman who has definite grace and charm and someone who does not bend easily to my will, a lovely face and body that excites me, a little princess that I can dote on and spoil, and a little girl that I can protect, that I can know is my own. Does that make sense?�

�Yes Daddy.�

�And that is why I gave you permission to sleep with him, if it helped you to understand your choices better. But you didn�t sleep with him.�

�No Daddy. He did kiss me though.�

�I�m not surprised. I don�t know many men who could resist those pouty little sweet lips of yours, honey. Did it� did you find it pleasurable?�

I didn�t say anything.

�Lauren�� He warned once more.


�Yes what?�

�Yes Daddy.�

�So soon you forget who your Daddy is?� He chuckled to show that he wasn�t truly serious. �And you stopped him from kissing you?�

�Yes Daddy. And then I asked him to take me home.�

In the quiet darkness, I think I heard him smile.

�What was your impression of him in general? Still the same guy you left or did he do some growing up?�

�Hmmm�. Both, I guess. He�s much more charming and smooth now, but there were subtle things. He didn�t wait for me to make it inside my house. He just drove off.�

�He didn�t walk you to your door?� A hint of anger brushed through his voice.

�No, he didn�t.�

�But you made it in safely.� He said with irritation.

�Yes Daddy.� He said nothing but squeezed me tighter to him and kissed the top of my damp head. �I took off my wet stuff and then watched a John Wayne movie on the television but I was so antsy that I�� My voice trailed off.

�You what.�


�You were a bad girl?�

The corners of my mouth curled up. �Yes, Daddy, I suppose you could say that.�

�You were keyed up from kissing him and when he didn�t do anything to relieve that, you took care of it yourself?�

�Yes Daddy.�

�Oh Princess�.� He sounded very disappointed.

�I was thinking of you, actually.�

�Were you? And were you thinking of how you were touching my pussy and you may only come with my permission?�

�Uh� But� but you said that I could have sex with Michael? I didn�t think that still applied.�

�You didn�t think, now did you? You didn�t think at all. I said you could have sex with him, yes. If he made you come as part of that sex that it would be acceptable as well. But never, ever did I tell you that you would be able to make yourself come. I gave him permission; I did not give you permission. You�ve disappointed me.�

�But� I didn�t understand. I didn�t think I was doing anything wrong.�

�Did you not understand the rules?� His voice was hurt and angry. I moved up so I could see his face.

�Yes, I did. I�m sorry Daddy.�

�You understood and did it anyway?� His eyes pierced mine, making me feel ashamed and terrified that I had screwed up our relationship with one little wrong move.

�Yes Daddy.� I said miserably.

�Explain yourself.� He said evenly, studying my face closely.

�I was lying on the couch, watching the movie and I couldn�t relax and couldn�t get comfortable. I was still wet from kissing him�� I could see his lips get tense at that and instantly regretted bring up Michael�s lips on mine not twelve hours earlier. �so I touched my pussy��

�Whose pussy?�

�Your pussy, Daddy.� I corrected myself, feeling tears starting to well up in my eyes. �I�m sorry. I�m sorry. I won�t do it again. I�m sorry.�

�You said you wouldn�t do it now. Remember? I am disappointed in you.�

�So you�re saying that you�d rather I had slept with him than relieved myself? Is that what you�re saying?� Tears of frustration were falling freely now.

�No. You could have called and asked permission. I will give you permission to touch yourself if you ask.�

�I did not know that I could ask.�

�There is no excuse for your disregard of my authority.�

�No Daddy. So sorry Daddy.� I was trying hard not to actually break into sobs. I hated my face when it was red and puffy and I desperately wanted to maintain emotional control on at least some level. �I won�t do it again. I promise. Not without your permission.�

�How can I trust you?� His voice was soft and wounded.

�Because� because nothing feels as good enough to make it worth feeling as badly as I feel now, Daddy. Please. I�m sorry. I�m sorry.� I put my head back down on his chest, pleading, but a sob escaped from my lips when his arm did not close around me. �Forgive me. Please? Forgive me? I promise I won�t disobey you again. I promise.�

�What will I do with you?� He said, his head shaking slowly back and forth against the pillow. �I am not happy with you, to say the least. I expected you to have more control than that. I honestly thought you would. If I wanted to have some little slut to fuck, I could have a different one every night. They�re just about fun and games, but you seemed to be about more than that.�

�Do you really think that I�m like that?� I whispered through my sniffles, my throat tight with restrained weeping.

�No�� He said slowly. �But I didn�t think that you�d just do anything you wanted, knowing that it wasn�t allowed. You need to show control. Restraint.�

�You�re right Daddy. As always. You�re right.�

He paused, as if measuring between several things that he could say. I pulled my head up and noticed that he was no longer looking at me. Wiping at my tears, I think I could hear both our hearts beating.

�You need to think if you truly want this with me.�

�I do. Very much.� I bit my lip and tasted salt.

�Then act like it.�

�Yes Daddy. I promise. I�ll try harder.�

He looked back at me, studying my undoubtedly red blotchy face, my puffed lips, my eyes full of penitence, and said nothing. We just looked at each other, he into my eyes and I at his lips because I could not even bring myself to meet his powerful stare or I knew that I would collapse into a hundred wails.

Finally, I gathered up the courage to whisper �Will you forgive me?�

�I will. That�s what Daddies do, baby.� He said softly.

I heaved a big sigh which turned into a strangled sob. The tears started again. He pulled me to his chest once more where I lost control and wept openly. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head, lulling me with �Baby� oh baby�.shhhhh� it�s ok�. Shhhhh�. Daddy�s here�� baby�. Princess�.oh Lauren.� Until finally I was able to gather myself together into hiccups and gasps and stop crying.

"You know you're still my girl, don't you baby?"

"There was some confusion, but yes."

"I'm only upset because I care. I want you to be different."

�I am different. I promise I won�t screw up again.�

�Oh, baby, I don�t doubt that you will make mistakes again. As will I. That�s part of any relationship. But I do not think you will ever touch yourself without permission again. Not after the punishment that you�re going to get for it.�

2002-09-15 | 8:41 p.m.

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