Dear gentle reader,

A gradual breach of ettiquette has been developing for some time in my guestbook. First it began with understandable pleas for the page to be updated more often. Actually, while it doesn't help my writing process or create time in my schedule that will allow me to write, I found it touching that you would be so eager to read the next installment of the Daddy/Princess story.

Some individuals found it necessary to become increasingly more and more demanding. Then threats of "going away" or whatnot appeared. Really, gentle reader, we can only titter a bit together at their childishness. It does not matter to me if this site has 1000 readers or 10.

Finally, when I posted the beginning to a new story, I received a guestbook signing from Missy, a past complainer of "update more", who this time decided to sign her guestbook entry as "hmph" (yes, Missy, your clever attempt at an alias failed) and commented "terrible. first no daddy stories at all then a girl and a teacher?"

This, however, really tries my patience. I am very fortunate that for the most part, most of you realize that I am allowing you to read my creative endeavor and that this is of my choice and good grace. Every time there is an update, it is very much, in essence, like my invitation for tea, where I will whisper torrid stories into your ear over lemon cookies and Earl Grey. If you did not receive an invitation in some months, would you stomp around and refuse to be my friend any longer? Would you, after such an invitation and offered Constant Comfort and watercress sandwiches at tea instead, throw up your arms and shriek "This is rubbish! How dare you!" and throw your napkin to the floor?

No, of course not.

Luckily enough for me, most of you are exquisite and delightful guests, well bred and well-mannered, and I truly wish it were within my power to host you more often.

However, those who feel the need to be rude and offensive in the guestbook need to remember that I have asked nothing of you, so please do not act as though I owe you anything whatsoever. It is you who are the guest here. If you are impatient with the quality of writing or the frequency of updates, then you need not return. Have the good manners to not spew your crass dramatics onto my guestbook. Just go away quietly. Likewise, as hostess, it is my right to decide what is served here. I paid for the images, the layout, and use of the server and I put forth the time and effort to create the words you see. If I continue to receive negativity in the guestbook, I am sorry to the dear polite guests out there, but there is only so much abuse that I will endure and I will be forced to take down the stories and the site.

That having been said, thank you again to those of you who have been nothing but supportive and kind. I appreciate your readership more than words can say.

Naughty thoughts,


2004-04-27 | 8:08 a.m.

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