This is not part of the Princess/Daddy story, but rather a snippet of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, transcribed for me by Wolf, with whom I began chatting due to this story. (Wolf has been very insightful to the dominant psyche, and for that, I am very grateful.) Anyway, the first time I read this snippet, I found myself clinging to the the wrist rest on the computer, knuckles turning white as though I were afraid the very words themselves would sweep me away and I was powerless to stop them. Thus, I share them with you. More fiction soon... until then, I leave with Ayn.

Kisses.... lola

"They stopped and looked at each other. She knew, only when he did it, that she had known he would. He seized her, she felt her lips in his mouth, felt her arms grasping him in violent answer, and knew for the first time how much she had wanted him to do it.

She felt a moment's rebellion and a hint of fear. He held her, pressing the length of his body against hers with a tense, purposeful insistence, his hand moving over her breasts as if he were learning a proprietor's intimacy with her body, a shocking intimacy that needed no consent from her, no permission. She tried to pull herself away, but she only leaned back against his arms long enough to see his face and his smile, the smile that told her she had given him permission long ago. She thought that she must escape; instead, it was she who pulled his head down to find his mouth again.

She knew that fear was useless, that he would do what he wished, that the decision was his, that he left nothing possible to her except the thing she wanted most - to submit. She had no conscious realization of his purpose, her vague knowledge of it was wiped out, she had no power to believe it clearly, in this moment, to believe it about herself, she knew only that she was afraid - yet what she felt was as if she were crying to him: Don't ask me for it - oh, don't ask me - do it!

She braced her feet for an instant, to resist, but his mouth was pressed to hers and they went down to the ground together, never breaking their lips apart. She lay still - as the motionless, then the quivering object of an act which he did simply, unhesitatingly, as of right, the right of the unendurable pleasure it gave them."

Atlas Shrugged

by Ayn Rand

2003-10-09 | 9:26 p.m.

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